All posts by adilbashir1996

Orgasms can help lower a woman’s risk of heart disease, breast cancer, stroke and depression

Ladies, if your man isn’t taking you to cloud 9, then the benefits you are missing are numerous, not just the pleasure you derive off sex. As more and more research is done on the subject, it’s becoming clearer that having healthy sex is essential to a healthy life—and that sex can even help you to live longer.

Orgasm benefits:

Numerous studies have shown that an active sex life is closely correlated with longer life. Specifically, it

seems like sex may lower the risk for breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and other heart diseases. In 2010, the New England Research Institute conducted a massive study that suggested that regular sexual activity may reduce heart disease risk.

The benefits are not just for the women folk. In 2003, Australian researchers published a study showing that the more often men ejaculate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer. According to the author of the study, men in their 20s should probably be ejaculating once a day. A similar study performed a year later by the National Cancer Institute showed that men who ejaculated at least five times a week, whether through sex or masturbation, were less likely to get prostate cancer.

Chewing Gum Makes Brain Stronger

Chewing gum makes your brain stronger

Gum has been studied for its beneficial effects on memory, alertness, anxiety reduction, appetite suppression, mood and learning.  Attributes of gum that have gone under the microscope include its flavor, texture and density, to name a few.

The hunch that spawned gum studies was that chewing gum might increase blood flow to the brain, and that may in turn spark other important effects. Studies like one from Cardiff University in the UK take a comprehensive view of gum’s potential across multiple areas: learning, mood, memory and intelligence. chewing-gum-strengthens-brain The findings in this case were that both alertness and intellectual performance were increased in gum-chewing subjects, while memory showed no significant improvements.

Other studies, like the one highlighted in a New Scientist article have found that some aspects of memory seem to be improved by chewing gum, particularly immediate and delayed word recall, while others are not.

An especially significant 2011 study, reported on by Live Science found that chewing gum before taking a test improved performance, but chewing gum throughout the test did not. The possible reason for this result is that chewing gum may warm-up the brain, something gum researchers refer to as ‘mastication-induced arousal’.

Bypass your Gag Reflex

If you make a fist with your left hand and squeeze your left thumb, this will bypass your gag reflex.

One of the most uncomfortable feelings you can experience is involuntary gagging. Unchecked, it can leave your throat raw and sore, and give you a painful case of laryngitis. If you have a sensitive gag reflex,Restraining-gag-reflex-by-squeezing-fist you might have trouble swallowing pills, visiting the dentist, or eating foods that you’re not particularly fond of. Perhaps every time you go to the doctor and have your sore throat cultured for strep, you almost lose your lunch on the poor doctor!
The gag reflex is your body’s natural defense against choking on foreign objects, but up to one-third of healthy people don’t even have it! Fortunately, there are ways to ease your gag reflex, and one of these many of us may not have heard of before.

All you have to do is make a fist with you left hand, and squeeze your thumb (inside the fist). It actually works and was proven in a 2008 study by three scientists which was to be published in the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA).

Blue Whale’s Heart

A blue whale’s heart is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle!

Being the largest animal on earth, the blue whale weighs as much as 33 fully-grown elephants, that is about 200 tons. With that said, you can now begin to understand why the heart could measure as big as it does – the size of a Volkswagen

That’s the heart. What about the stomach? The blue whale’s stomach is capable of holding a ton of krill (shrimp-like crustaceans) but that’s not all – its daily requirement is four tons of krill! The blue whale is simply a biological phenomenon. Did you know which is the loudest animal on earth? Well, you just reading about it. The sound is produces is enough to rival a jet engine’s!

Their calls register 188 decibels, and if you care to check, a jet engine hits just 140 decibels. Why haven’t you heard this sound you might be curious? The sound is low frequency and isn’t audible by the human ear alone and requires special equipment to be able to. It travels hundreds of miles and is believed to be communication amongst the blue whales. Such a splendid creature this.

Cat’s Brain

A cat’s brain is million times faster than an iPad and it is able to store 1,000 times more data.

A cat’s brain bears a lot of resemblance with the human brain. Studies conducted over four years ago point to numerous similarities between the two. We often think of man’s best friend – dogs – as the smartest domestic pet. But according to some feline intelligence experts, cats are as smart as dogs — just in different ways.

A cat can fend for herself — she is not a pack animal as is a dog, who often depends on others for hunting food. And when have you seen a healthy cat who could not take care of most of her own grooming needs? Adding to cats’ high intellectual standards and their cautious behavior is their outstanding curiosity.

Even after years of studying the cat’s brain, which is highly developed, we will probably never learn all there is to know about feline intelligence levels. But an article by the Scientific American on how different brains compare versus computers put a cat’s data storage capability at 1,000 times more than the iPad with the speed a million times faster!

Top 10 Best Cities To Live In The World

10. Auckland, New Zealand (the city rates 95.7 out of 100)


Auckland, which remained capital of New Zealand from 1841 to 1865, has a rating of 95.7/100. Auckland is the largest city of New Zealand with population of 1,397,300. The city not only offers great accommodation solutions but also provides best transportation facilities.

9. Perth, Australia (the city rates 95.9 out of 100)

Perth is the city that hosts exciting events and other cultural activities that attracts people from all over the world. People are mostly attracted towards the Swan valley that is not only worth sightseeing but also worth living. According to Economist Intelligence Unit’s ‘liveable’ study, Perth has a rating of 95.9 out of 100.


8. Helsinki, Finland (the city rates 96.0 out of 100)

The capital of Finland, Helsinki is a large city with a population of 602,200 residents and has a rating of 96.0. If you get a chance to visit it during winter then ice-park at railway station is the most attractive place to enjoy.

7. Sydney, Australia (the city rates 96.1 out of 100)

Australia’s largest and oldest city, Sydney offers one of the best education and healthcare facilities and that is why it has a rating of 96.1.

6. Adelaide, Australia (the city rates 96.6 out of 100)

In addition to Perth and Sydney who are considered as one of best livable cities in Australia, Adelaide comes with an overall rating of 96.6 according to ‘liveable’ study. Therefore, it is also declared as one of the best places to live in.

5. Calgary, Canada (the city rates 96.6 out of 100)

Connecting Queen Elizabeth Park to Henrietta Louise Edwards Park, Nellie McClung Park is full of natural beauty and best for walking as well as biking. Having such beautiful attractions and much more Calgary is a city that everyone would love to live in.

4. Toronto, Canada (the city rates 97.2 out of 100)

Toronto, Canada Toronto, the largest city of Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario with rating points of 97.2 is not only a beautiful city with lots of natural beauty and modern architectures but also considered as a popular business hub.

3. Vancouver, Canada (the city rates 97.3 out of 100)

Everyone desires to live in a beautiful and affordable city with all possible facilities. Along with Toronto (97.2) and Calgary (96.6), Vancouver with a rating of 97.3 is another popular city of Canada.

2. Vienna, Austria (the city rates 97.4 out of 100)

Vienna is not only the Capital but also the largest city. A city having buildings of latest architecture along with more than 100 museums is rated 97.4.

1. Melbourne, Australia (the city rates 97.5 out of 100)

Most populated city of Victoria (state) and second most populated city of Australia, Melbourne has an overall rating of 97.5/100 according to the Economist Intelligence Unit global “livability” study. This city offers great accommodation solutions, education facilities and transportation.

The Richest People Of All Time

A look back at the unbelievable wealth of the richest people throughout history:

Arnd Wiegmann/Newscom/RTR-According to Forbes’ most recent rich list, the wealthiest man on earth is Carlos Slim, he of the $69 billion (as of March 2012) Mexican telecom fortune. A staggering net worth, to be sure, but how does it rank when viewed through the lens of history? The folks at recently compiled a list of the richest people that ever lived, gathering a group of well-known luminaries and translating their wealth into today’s “dollars”. The rundown features names you know well, though no women, and no tycoons, tyrants or royals who are still alive today. Who, then, was the richest person of all-time?

10. Cornelius Vanderbilt

Net worth: $185 billion
Source of wealth: Shipping, railroads
Lived: 1794-1877
Born in Staten Island, New York City, N.Y., Cornelius Vanderbilt dropped out of school at 11 and started his own New York Harbour ferry service at just 16. From a $100 loan from his mother, the tycoon was able to grow a steamboat and shipping empire so large it left him money to earn an even bigger fortune in railroads. Vanderbilt entered the railroad business later in life, buying up interests in railroads across the northeast United States and Canada. In 1877, at age 82, Vanderbilt died of exhaustion and left behind a lasting legacy, including a university (Vanderbilt) that is named after him, and a great-great-great-grandson, TV host Anderson Cooper.

9. Henry Ford

Net worth: $199 billion
Source of wealth: Auto-mobiles
Lived: 1863-1947
The father of the assembly line, Henry Ford is often mistakenly credited with inventing the automobile, which he did not. Ford did, however, bring the car to the consumer, developing and manufacturing the automobile into a product the public could buy and drive. Ford founded the car company that took his name in 1903, and his family has since presided over a century of auto sales success. Ford’s great-grandson, William Clay Ford, Jr., is the current executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company.

8. Moammar Gadhafi

Net worth: $200 billion
Source of wealth: Oil
Lived: 1942-2011
The man that began a million revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa last year was also stinking rich. Moammar Gadhafi, Libya’s tyrant leader for over four decades, also allegedly used his power to line his pockets as the domineering controller of the country’s plentiful oil fields. Using Libya’s coffers as his bank account, Gaddafi reportedly spent freely, amassing a personal fortune that included real estate and corporate investments all over the world. At the time of his capture and death in 2011, Gadhafi was the richest man on earth.

7. William the Conqueror

Net worth: $229.5 billion
Source of wealth: Royalty
Lived: 1027-1087
A descendant of Vikings, William the Conqueror is remembered for invading and overtaking England in 1066. As Duke of Normandy, William led an army of Norman and French soldiers in the conquest of England. Ten weeks after the invasion was complete, William crowned himself King of England, a title that brought with it exquisite riches he would leave to his sons upon his death. 

6. Mir Osman Ali Khan

Net worth: $230 billion
Source of wealth: Royalty
Lived: 1886-1967
The stories of Mir Osman Ali Khan, the last Nizam (ruler) of Hyderabad before the state was taken over by India, are the stuff of legend. Reportedly, the ruler of Hyderabad had more than 50 Rolls-Royces, and claimed to use the famous Jacob Diamond as a paperweight in his office. The Nizam was thought to be the richest man in the world, until his reign ended in 1947 with the invasion of Hyderabad. He died 20 years later in 1967.

5. Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov

Net worth: $300 billion
Source of wealth: Royalty
Lived: 1868-1918
The last Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II’s reign has not been viewed kindly by historians.  The ruler is often criticized for driving his once powerful nation into economic and military collapse. The son of Emperor Alexander III, Nicholas II (pictured right, with son Alexei) eventually left the throne in 1917, hoping to seek asylum in the UK. He was denied a safe haven in England, and in 1918 Nicholas II and his family were assassinated by Bolshevik revolutionists.

4. Andrew Carnegie

Net worth: $310 billion
Source of wealth: Steel
Lived: 1835-1919
One of America’s most celebrated industrialists, Andrew Carnegie is actually Scottish, born in 1835 in a town called Dunfermline. Carnegie came over to the U.S. as a boy, where he got a job as a steel factory worker. In 1892, the Carnegie Steel Company was created in Pittsburgh, Pa. The company grew and, after Carnegie sold it in 1901, later merged with U.S. Steel, a corporate giant that is still active today. A great philanthropist, Carnegie gave much of his fortune to schools, libraries and universities before his death at 83.

3. John D. Rockefeller

Net worth: $340 billion
Source of wealth: Oil
Lived: 1839-1937
Tycoon John D. Rockefeller brought on a new era of wealth in America, where he nearly monopolized the oil industry in the late 1800s. The famous New Yorker founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870, capitalizing on a time when soaring demand for kerosene and gasoline grew Rockefeller’s fortune. He became so wealthy that he left his company in 1897 and spent the last 40 years of his life retired. In his later days, Rockefeller endowed much of his fortune to schools and medical research, and founded the University of Chicago.

2. The Rothschild Family

Net worth: $350 billion
Source of wealth: Banking
The wealthiest family there ever was, the Rothschilds are a banking dynasty unlike any other, with a total fortune of $350 billion, according recent estimates. While many of the family members are still alive today, the Rothschilds were richest, and perhaps most powerful, in the 1800s, when their fortune was believed to be the largest in the world. The German-Jewish family all but established banking and finance houses in Europe in the late 18th century, and today are said to hold over $1 trillion in real estate and banking assets.

1. Mansa Musa I

Net worth: $400 billion
Source of wealth: Royalty
Lived: 1280-1337 The wealthiest man of all-time died nearly 700 years ago and you may never have heard his name. But where pure fortunes are concerned, there is no person in history that boasts a larger worth than Mansa Musa I, the ruler of the Malian Empire. Mansa Musa I was known as the “king of kings,” the emperor who controlled what is today the nations of Ghana, Timbuktu and Mali. The king’s outlandish wealth came from the Malian Empire’s vast reserves of salt and gold, which serviced as much as half the world at the time. Dazzling African mosques built by Mansa Musa I still stand.

World’s largest thermal solar plant

World’s largest thermal solar plant (377MW) under construction in the Mojave.
The largest concentrating solar power plant (100 MW) in operation is currently in Abu Dhabi, but it won’t stay at the top of the list for too long. Brightsource Energy is putting the finishing touches on its massive Ivanpah concentrating solar power (CSP) plant in the Mojave desert, and if all goes well, the switch should be flipped this year.

Implantable Robotic Arm Controlled By Thought

A team of researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, say that they have created the world’s first implantable robotic arm controlled by thoughts. Prosthetic leg technology has ad vanced rapidly in the past decade, but prosthetic arms have been much slower to catch up. Since the 1960s, upper limb amputees have been taught to use prostheses that are controlled by electrical impulses in the muscles. Many still have hooks for “hands.” And, the technology for controlling these prostheses really has not evolved to any great extent since then. There are, to be sure, some advanced electric hand prostheses available, but their movements must be preprogrammed. Rehabilitation is slow and frustrating. And, since there’s no sensory feedback, the sense of touch is a greatly missed.

Most standard socket prostheses are attached to the body using a socket tightly fitted on the amputated stump. Many users say that these are uncomfortable and limiting. In order to pick up electrical signals to control a prosthetic arm, electrodes are placed over the skin. The problem is that the signals can change when the skin moves, since the electrodes move to a different position. Signals can also be affected when users sweat, since the resistance on the interface changes.

Max Ortiz Catalan demonstrates how the system works with the aid of electrodes, which capture bio-electric signals from the surface of the arm.

How It Works:
In this research project, the researchers plan to implant the electrodes directly onto the nerves and remaining muscles instead. Since the electrodes are closer to the source and the body acts as protection, the bio-electric signals should become much more stable. By incorporating “osseointegration,” they will anchor the prosthesis directly to the skeleton. This method for anchoring the prosthesis directly to bone, also called the OPRA Implant System, was first developed by Swedish Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark in the 1960s when he discovered that titanium is not rejected by the body but instead integrates with the surrounding bone tissue.
Osseointegration enables the electrical impulses from the nerves in the arm stump to be captured by a neural interface, sending them to the prosthesis through the titanium implant. These are then decoded by sophisticated algorithms that allow the patient to control the prosthesis using his or her thoughts.
In most prostheses, amputees have only visual or auditory feedback. This means, for example, that users must look at or hear the motors in the prosthesis in order to estimate grip force applied to objects, such as a cup. With the new method, patients receive neural feedback as the electrodes stimulate the neural pathways to the patient’s brain, in the same way as the physiological system. This should allow users to control the prosthesis in a more natural and intuitive way than has been previously possible.
Max Ortiz Catalan, an industrial doctoral student at Chalmers, said, “We have developed a new bidirectional interface with the human body, together with a natural and intuitive control system. Our technology helps amputees to control an artificial limb, in much the same way as their own biological hand or arm, via the person’s own nerves and remaining muscles. This is a huge benefit for both the individual and to society.” (See Figure )
“Many of the patients that we work with have been amputees for more than 10 years, and have almost never thought about moving their missing hand during this time”, explained Catalan. “When they arrived here, they got to test our virtual reality environment or our more advanced prostheses in order to evaluate the decoding algorithms. We placed electrodes on their amputation stumps, and after a few minutes, they were able to control the artificial limbs in ways that they didn’t know they could, most of the times. This made the patients very excited and enthusiastic.”

What’s Next:
After testing the method on a few patients, the researchers expect that they will prove that the technology works and then hope to get enough grants to continue clinical studies and further develop the technology.
Catalan said, “We want to leave the lab and become part of the patients’ everyday life. If the first operations this winter are successful, we will be the first research group in the world to make ‘thought-controlled prostheses’ a reality for patients to use in their daily activities, and not only inside research labs.”

Video of Max Ortiz Catalan demonstrating the hand