Category Archives: Lower a woman’s risk of losing her life

Orgasms can help lower a woman’s risk of heart disease, breast cancer, stroke and depression

Ladies, if your man isn’t taking you to cloud 9, then the benefits you are missing are numerous, not just the pleasure you derive off sex. As more and more research is done on the subject, it’s becoming clearer that having healthy sex is essential to a healthy life—and that sex can even help you to live longer.

Orgasm benefits:

Numerous studies have shown that an active sex life is closely correlated with longer life. Specifically, it

seems like sex may lower the risk for breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and other heart diseases. In 2010, the New England Research Institute conducted a massive study that suggested that regular sexual activity may reduce heart disease risk.

The benefits are not just for the women folk. In 2003, Australian researchers published a study showing that the more often men ejaculate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer. According to the author of the study, men in their 20s should probably be ejaculating once a day. A similar study performed a year later by the National Cancer Institute showed that men who ejaculated at least five times a week, whether through sex or masturbation, were less likely to get prostate cancer.